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Project Proposal Template

for Managementors

An example of a Word proposal template


Managementors is a management consultancy that presents proposals to their clients, comprising mostly UK leading blue-chip companies.


Managementors were experiencing difficulties in producing consistent high-quality documents. Analysts found copying and pasting text from other documents often changed the formatting in the current document. Different analysts produce the proposals and there was a lack of consistency with margins, bullet points and indents, font sizes and colours and paragraph spacing. The analysts were finding the existing proposal template unreliable and difficult to use.


We developed a template for Managementors that made it easy for analysts to produce consistently-formatted proposals.

Custom ribbon tab


The template includes a custom ribbon tab with buttons to run the custom functions we developed and make it easy to apply styling to headings, paragraphs and tables.

Custom ribbon
Add a partner logo to the cover page


Analysts can easily add a partner logo to the cover page. They just click the Add Partner Logo button on the custom ribbon and select a logo file stored on their system. The logo is automatically added to the top right-hand corner of the cover page.

Add partner logo
Add a margin text box


The Add Margin Quote button will add a preformatted text box in the margin of the current page. Analysts just need to press the button and the text box will be automatically inserted in the correct position on the page. All the analyst needs to do then is to type in the box. They don’t need to worry about the formatting or positioning of the box.

Add margin text box
Custom paste


The Custom Paste button will paste in text from other documents without damaging the formatting or the headers and footers in the current document. Sometimes copying and pasting from other documents will change the formatting or overwrite the headers and footers in a document. This is just the way Word works and can be difficult to avoid using the standard Paste button. This Custom Paste button will strip out styles that do not belong in the document and prevent headers and footers from being overwritten.

Custom paste

“The templates produced are great – they have saved time and helped ensure we consistently present high quality documents to our clients.”

Abi Leech, Marketing Executive, Managementors

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